Zensei Ltd
An introduction.
Why does Zensei exist? Frustration.
Let me tell you a story — one that you may find altogether too familiar: I’m studying for an exam, spending weeks dragging myself through lecture slides and worksheets, learning at a ridiculously slow pace. Why isn’t this clicking with me? There’s something missing here. There’s no way I’m going to learn all of this in time! I persevere nonetheless, thinking that if I can just put the hours in, I’ll get there at some point. My pace makes me demotivated and that in-turn makes me even slower. It’s a vicious cycle. Procrastination is a bitter-sweet escape.
Inevitably, I get to the night before the exam and I am nowhere near the level I wanted to be at. I start texting friends, searching, for the comfort of those few words: “Yep, I’m screwed too.” Amongst my replies I find that one friend… and of course she’s completely ready. She sends, “I found this one guy on YouTube. He explains it so well. It’s really not that hard.” Feeling a little defeated, I click the link and I watch one video. Wow. That makes so much sense now! By the time I go to sleep that night, I’ve learned weeks worth of content in a couple hours. If only I had discovered this sooner!
I receive my grades: I barely scrape a 2:1. It’s an okay result but it could have been an easy first, if only I had found that YouTube channel earlier! The frustration haunts my mind.
That’s why we’ve decided to create a web platform that will eliminate this frustration. At Zensei, we believe that learning should be as frictionless as possible.
How will it work?
The website will function somewhat like a social media site: Users will be able to post on the platform about the resources they use to learn a particular topic. Other users will be able to search and read these posts. Much like social media these posts will have likes, tags and comments to help people identify and choose.
In this age of information, there is much to gain in the world of education. Our platform will be your tour-guide, to help navigate the vast libraries of the internet and distil the best resources for you — collated by the people, for the people.